I have played the original HN1 for years and play ten avatars in HN2. Its fun and you can have a good time for little or no money up to level 30. After that it becomes a mess. All level 30 characters are grouped together and when the top players need someone to kill for competition points you will be their cannon fodder. Expect your kill ratio to drop to the 50% level. If you dont spend money to upgrade you will lose often. Item pricing just goes up and up. To buy enough wampum to compete in daily competitions and have even a chance at a gold bar can cost hundreds a month. The top players either cheat or spend thousands. And thats the worst part of it. Many of them have no skill. They just max out with so many hit points and power ups they are unbeatable. It really is a shame.
In the end it will be frustrating and you will stop playing like so many others so unless you have money (thousands of dollars to be able to compete up top) to burn or are a millionaire find another form of entertainment or make a new character once you get into the 30s. At least that way it remains enjoyable.
Darth Alex about High Noon™